Career Research

Self-assessment is a way to learn more about yourself: what you like, what you don't like, and how you tend to react to certain situations. Learning about yourself is the first step in finding a good career fit.  

Assessments are tools to help you explore your skills, interests, values, or other traits. These traits are then matched to a broad list of careers.


Before you begin, it's important to understand a few key points about career assessments:

To maximize your results:

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Explore jobs that best match your personality. Are you realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional? Find out with this quick assessment. 

Discover what your interests are, and how they relate to the world of work. The Interest Profiler helps you decide what kinds of occupations and jobs you might want to explore based on your interests. 

What skills have you acquired through your jobs and other activities? The Skills Profiler can help you explore occupations that require your skillset. 

What's important to you in a job? Discover how much you value achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions in a job. Get a list of jobs that reflect your values.